Starting from:


KT1 Tech Outfit

Fully scratch made

Made to fit Akii male base

4k textures

24k Polys (48k Tris)

6 Materials (10 if you want your own metallics) (jacket, jacket straps, pants, pants straps, undershirt, headwear) 


Has transparent decal maps to add to textures if you so please, will require photo software, ie: photoshop/gimp/photopea (arrow designs and splatter decals)


DISCAIMER, This asset uses normals for details, you have been warned.

Requires a slight understanding of Blender, may require shape keys on base.

Dont sell on its own, dont claim its yours, yatta yatta just credit me yatta yatta

Feel free to use this on personal and commercial use

This asset is not allowed to be used on free avatars